Saturday, August 13, 2011

Souls enriched and sanctified by the Sacred Heart.
As the deer panteth after the streams of living water so my soul longs for you! Psalm 4:1
Excerpt from the verso:
"White doves, carried on the wings of faith and love, their souls form a precious crown for Jesus, and with delight they draw graces that flow from his Heart. They console his divine Heart by their fervent adoration, and are enriched by the hidden treasures that they can discover there."
# 8 in Series Marvels of the Sacred Heart in Souls Bonamy, Poitoirs

"Whoever shall follow me will not walk in darkness." John 8:12

Divine Heart of Jesus, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life?" John 6:16

Listen, My daughter, and give ear to my words. Biblical inspiration: Psalm 78:1

"O, sweet Jesus, attract me to your Sacred Heart so that your love absorbs me 

and I may become lost in it's sweetness." St. Francis de Sales

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. 

Have pity on me for I have cried to you. Psalm 85:3

As the deer thirsts for the streams of living water,

so my soul thirsts for you! Psalm 4:1

Sacred Heart of Jesus, save us, we are perishing. Biblical inspiration: "and they came

to Him and woke him saying, 'Save us, Lord, we are perishing.'" Matthew 8:25

My daughter, your faith has saved you. Mark 5:34