Wednesday, March 13, 2013

May the sweet fragrance of these flowers
anoint your heart.

"Whoever shall follow me will not walk in darkness." John 8:12

Divine Heart of Jesus, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life?" John 6:16

Listen, My daughter, and give ear to my words. Biblical inspiration: Psalm 78:1

"O, sweet Jesus, attract me to your Sacred Heart so that your love absorbs me 

and I may become lost in it's sweetness." St. Francis de Sales

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. 

Have pity on me for I have cried to you. Psalm 85:3

As the deer thirsts for the streams of living water,

so my soul thirsts for you! Psalm 4:1

Sacred Heart of Jesus, save us, we are perishing. Biblical inspiration: "and they came

to Him and woke him saying, 'Save us, Lord, we are perishing.'" Matthew 8:25

My daughter, your faith has saved you. Mark 5:34